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Bali 4.0 2019 - Tesla - Capo d'Orlando Marina

Capo d'Orlando Marina
dal 15/03/2025 al 22/03/2025
Tipologia: Catamarano
Anno: 2019
Lunghezza: 11.88 m.
Persone: 9
Cabine: 3
WC / Docce: 3
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
Fire Extinguishers Barra Timone di emergenzaSpare anchor + chain Life jackets Life jackets children Kit di primo soccorsoSafety BeltsRockets parachuteHand flaresBuoyant smoke signalsSegnale sonoroInflatable life RaftLife buoy + flashing lightGeneratoreInverterRiscaldamentoAria condizionataCongelatoreIce MakerCoffee makerMicrowave ovenSerbatoio acquaCaricabatterie220 Volt Sockets12 Volt SocketsManual bilge pumpsElectric bilge pumpsPilota automaticoGPS PlotterRadiotelephone VHFSolcometroRiflettore radarAnemometroTachimetroHand compassBussolaBinocoloWatchBoat's documentsCarte nauticheInsurancesWater pilotList of LightsLazy Jack Lazy BagBansigoParabordiSalpa ancora elettricoCime di ormeggioWinch handles Electric winches TenderOarsFuoribordoMezzo marinaioDavitsScaletta per il bagnoImbuto per carburanteJerrycans for diesel Jerrycans for gasolineDoccetta esternaAltoparlanti esterniInside speakers
Extra obbligatori
  • Compulsory Starter Pack: final cleaning, outboard engine,1 kit of bed linen per cabin, blankets, two kits of towels per person (2 large and 2 medium); 1 tablecloth, 3 dishcloths, 1 bath mat per wc, 1 gas cylinder.
  • Skipper August + food and drinks.VAT excluded. Remuneration payable directly to the Skipper, according to methods to be agreed directly with the same. The skipper is not our employee, but hired by client.
  • Skipper + food and drinks. VAT excluded. Remuneration payable directly to the Skipper, according to methods to be agreed directly with the same. The skipper is not our employee, but hired by client.
  • Skipper + food and drinks. VAT excluded. Remuneration payable directly to the Skipper, according to methods to be agreed directly with the same. The skipper is not our employee, but hired by client.
Extra opzionali
  • Additional Bed linen (1 kit per cabin, per week).
  • Late check-in, after 08:00 p.m.
  • Hostess + food and drinks. VAT excluded. Remuneration payable directly to the hostess, according to methods to be agreed directly with the same. The hostess is not our employee, but hired by client.
  • Additional kitchen gas cylinder
  • Sunday check-in
  • Egadi Islands Permit till 45ft (sailing + anchoring). It is compulsory only to navigate in the Egadi Area.
  • Safety net
  • SUP (if available)
  • Beach towels
  • Kayak (If available)
  • Additional Towels (1 large + 1 medium) per person, per week.
  • Handling file expenses in case of fines or other problematics
  • Sea Scooter (if available) + 300 € security deposit).
  • Priority check-in (if available) at 03:00 p.m.
  • Provisioning service + shopping's amount. It is requested for a down payment on the shopping list compiled by the client.
  • Wi Fi internet (if available) 6 GB per week
  • Refuel service + fuel cost
  • Transfer service on request
Riepilogo offerta
Bali 4.0 2019 - Tesla - Capo d'Orlando MarinaBali Catamarans
Patente nautica non necessaria
Ti occorre lo Skipper?
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Capo d'Orlando Marina

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
Scarica la scheda tecnica
Contattaci al telefono
 +39 0639915372
Pianifica la tua vacanza con i nostri consigli, gratuitamente.

Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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