Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 2025
Lunghezza: 12.43 m.
Persone: 8
Cabine: 3
WC / Docce: 2
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
Inflatable Dinghy 2,40 mOutboard Engine Honda 2,3 hpPozzetto in teakEletric WinchObligatory standard safety equipment Wooden gangwayEmergency tiller Spare anchor Dinghy pumpBosun's chair Raymarine InstrumentsElica di pruaAnchor chain Full Batten Mainsail (Lazy Bag)Classic JibYanmar 45 hpUSB (all cabins and saloon)BiminiSprayhoodInverterCockpit cushions GasEco-friendly coffee machine for compostable podsDeck shower Cooker with oven Pillows and Blankets Electric WCFridge in saloon