Tipologia: Catamarano
Anno: 2018
Lunghezza: 11.99 m.
Persone: 10
Cabine: 4
WC / Docce: 3
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
12 V sockets220 V socketsAdapter cableAutomatic charger 220 VFornoPressurized water system with taps pantry12 V RefrigeraterFresh WaterGas stove (2-3 flames)equipped pantryCabin lightingConverter 12V-230VRadio with MP3-CD-PlayerSafeSink in the pantryHotwaterWIFIlowerable salon tableDiesel heating in all cabinsFrigoriferoTV with DVBT2electric toilet: 3Anchor lightAutomatic charger 220VCockpit ShowerBiminiScaletta per il bagnoBilge pump electricMezzo marinaioBoatswain's chairBow and stern pulpitSteamer lightSpazzoloneDinghiDouble sea railingElectric shore connection cable 220V, 25 mSalpa ancora elettricoSerbatoio acquaHalyard winches 2 pieces, fenders 6-8 pieces, mooring ropes 4 pieces (30 m)PasserellaMain anchor with 50 m chain, national flagPosition light, contactor, towing line 25 mSchootwinsche, SprayhoodDiving goggles and snorkel (1 Set)Second anchorShroud cutter, tool box, yacht & engine keyPlancetta Specchio di PoppaCuscini in pozzettoTavolo in pozzettoWinch elettricoCushion foredeckPannello solareDavitSteering position: 1Rudder blades: 22 trianglesPilota automaticoDiesel canister, binoculars, course calculatorGPSEmergency tiller, bearing compassNautical charts and nautical guidesSumlog and depth sounderClock, CircleRadio VHFStazione VentoAISColour plotter at the helmRadarFull Batten Main SailLazy JacksSelf-tacking JibAutomatic waistcoats with lifebelt or crotch strapEPIRB - Boa di emergenzaEstintoreHalogen headlampBilge pumpsLife-Line safety systemFog horn, emergency flashing lightZattera di salvataggioLifebuoy with swim lineFirst-aid boxDistress signals, torchInverter 12/220V/1600VARefrigerator 272L with own inverterIce cube machine12V sockets in all cabinsCockpit extension through foldable GRP platformAdditional insulation of the engine roomDavits for DinghyCockpit shower hot/cold2 additional batteries 110AVinyl cockpit cushionElectric winch for main halyardDACRON Full-Batten MainsailAdditional winch for gennakerPremium sun cushion for the foredeckLarger machine (2x 27.9kW/38PS)Remote control for anchor winch with chain counter/shutdownBlackouts in every cabin 2 tables in the front cockpitSaloon table convertible into double bedBoth engines new in 2025New mainsail, genoa and lazy bag in 2025.