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Oceanis 46.1 2023 - Sophia - Club Maritimo San Antonio De La Playa

Club Maritimo San Antonio De La Playa
dal 15/03/2025 al 22/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 2023
Lunghezza: 14.60 m.
Persone: 10
Cabine: 4
WC / Docce: 4
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
12 V sockets220 V socketsAdapter cableAutomatic charger 220 VFornoPressurized water system with taps pantry12 V RefrigeraterFresh WaterGas stove (2-3 flames)equipped pantryCabin lightingConverter 12V-230VRadio with MP3-CD-PlayerSafeSink in the pantryHotwaterWIFIlowerable salon tableDiesel heating in all cabinsFrigoriferoCongelatoreUSB sockets in the cabinsFans in salon and cabinselectric toilet: 4Anchor lightAutomatic charger 220VCockpit ShowerBiminiScaletta per il bagnoBilge pump electricMezzo marinaioBoatswain's chairBow and stern pulpitSteamer lightSpazzoloneDinghiDouble sea railingElectric shore connection cable 220V, 25 mSalpa ancora elettricoSerbatoio acquaHalyard winches 2 pieces, fenders 6-8 pieces, mooring ropes 4 pieces (30 m)PasserellaMain anchor with 50 m chain, national flagPosition light, contactor, towing line 25 mSchootwinsche, SprayhoodDiving goggles and snorkel (1 Set)Second anchorShroud cutter, tool box, yacht & engine keyPlancetta Specchio di PoppaElica di pruaCuscini in pozzettoTavolo in pozzettoComposite steering wheelsPozzetto in teakDavitSteering position: 2Rudder blades: 22 trianglesPilota automaticoDiesel canister, binoculars, course calculatorGPSEmergency tiller, bearing compassNautical charts and nautical guidesSumlog and depth sounderClock, CircleRadio VHFStazione VentoAISColour plotter at the helmGenoa avvolgibileFurling Main SailAutomatic waistcoats with lifebelt or crotch strapEPIRB - Boa di emergenzaEstintoreHalogen headlampBilge pumpsLife-Line safety systemFog horn, emergency flashing lightZattera di salvataggioLifebuoy with swim lineFirst-aid boxDistress signals, torchadditional water tank 200 litres (total 570 L), 130 litre fridge opening forward, 85 litre icebox, cockpit shower (hot/cold), sunpad for companionwayhinged window, stainless steel bow guard, transom guard, teak rub rail, extended cockpit bench, cockpit apron with centre storage and stainless steel handrail and lightsHifi: Fusion with waterproof interior and exterior speakers, charge level indicators batteries (screen Navicolor (3.5""), double berth in saloon, foot pump sea water/fresh water galley, sink cover with cutting board.Fly screen, indirect LED lighting, two genoa winches, German mainsheet system (mainsheet with folding runner at helm), bow platform with anchor roller and water stayGenoa sheet traveler rails on side decks with line adjustment, centre cleats, fold-out footrest for helmsman, anchor capstan control with counter operable from cockpit, rail step-through, teak on sunbeds
Extra obbligatori
  • Base Pack (End cleaning, Unlimited WiFi, bed linen, towels, rinsing set, dinghi & outboard engine
Extra opzionali
  • Danish Cobb gas barbecue grill (50% second week)
  • Pets (only on request)
  • Early Check 12:00 h (on request)
  • SUP (50% second week)
  • Beach towel
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Oceanis 46.1 2023 - Sophia - Club Maritimo San Antonio De La PlayaBeneteau
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Club Maritimo San Antonio De La Playa

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
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 +39 0639915372
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Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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