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Swift Trawler 41 2020 - JUDITA - Marina Nava

Marina Nava
dal 22/03/2025 al 29/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a motore
Anno: 2020
Lunghezza: 13.43 m.
Persone: 7
Cabine: 3
WC / Docce: 2
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
Pilota automaticoStainless steel bow fittingElectrical refrigeratorElica di pruaaft cockpit cushionsDoccetta a poppaSalpa ancora elettricoAcqua caldaelectrical toiletsGeneratoreAltoparlanti in pozzettoAria condizionataDeck washing pump12V cockpit socketCup holdersLed navigation lightsMooring anchoring kitSunbathing cushionsSolid wood cockpit floor and starboard catwalkSlid wood aft swim deckBiminiCucina a gas con fornogrill ovenDouble berth in saloon220 V shore connectionCaricabatterie9" Raymarine interior display9" Raymarine exterior displayWindvane anemometerRaymarine VHF dual stationFusion stereo systemSpeakers in saloon and cockpitUSB sockets in cabin
Extra obbligatori
  • Transit log 3
  • Visitor's tax >12 years (per person)*
Extra opzionali
  • Kayak (tandem)
  • Pet on board
  • S.U.P. board
  • E - Street Scooter
  • Hostess for up to 4 guests on board [preparation of breakfast and lunch - payment directly to hostess]-- APA obligatory
  • Outboard engine (power boat)
  • Beach towels (set of 8 pcs)
  • Hostess for 5 - 8 guests on board [preparation of breakfast and lunch - payment directly to hostess]-- APA obligatory
  • Yamaha Aqua Cruise
  • Seabob F5
  • E - Foil Filtair
  • Hostess - sailboats and motor boats (preparation of breakfast and lunch OR dinner)- APA obligatory
  • Seabob F5S
  • Coffee capsules (100)
  • Jetboard Awake 2023
  • Hostess for more than 8 guests on board [preparation of breakfast and lunch - payment directly to hostess]-- APA obligatory
  • Kneeboard (only with 40 HP outboarder)
  • Skipper (motorboat)
  • Child netting
  • Sipa board
Riepilogo offerta
Swift Trawler 41 2020 - JUDITA - Marina NavaBeneteau
Patente nautica necessaria
Ti occorre lo Skipper?
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Marina Nava

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
Scarica la scheda tecnica
Contattaci al telefono
 +39 0639915372
Pianifica la tua vacanza con i nostri consigli, gratuitamente.

Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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