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Sun Odyssey 37.1 1996 - Calma - Port of Lefkas

Port of Lefkas
dal 15/03/2025 al 22/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 1996
Lunghezza: 11.20 m.
Persone: 8
Cabine: 3
WC / Docce: 2
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
Stereo CDLoudspeakers outFrigoriferoFuoribordoAsciugamaniAcqua caldaBiancheriaTavolo in pozzettoGalley hardwareDoccetta esternaFornoGPS / PlotterPilota automaticoEcoscandaglioTachimetroBarometroOrologioBinocoloBussolaGreek water pilotGiubbotti di salvataggioZattera di salvataggioLife buoysKit di primo soccorsoEstintoriHand flaresSmoke signalsParachute rockets
Extra obbligatori
  • Starter Pack (payable at the base in cash): tender, final cleaning, bed sheets & towels(one set per person), first & last night
  • The yacht must return to her base in the previous afternoon before sunset latest 18:00.
Extra opzionali
  • Skipper + food
  • Automatic Life Vest
  • Early Access by 14:30 - to be confirmed on the day of check in and only if possible
  • Canoe (1 seater blow up)
  • Taxi PVK-Lefkas paid in cash at the base
  • Internet 5GB
  • Hostess + food - Hostess cleans the yacht inside prepares breakfast and a light lunch
  • Extra Linen 10 Euro/set
  • Fishing rod with reel
  • Starter Kit (1 washing up liquid -1 sponge-1 wettex-1 kitchen roll, 1 roll of rubbish bags, 1 salt-1 pepper-4 toilet rolls-1 roll of small rubbish bags,1 cleaning spray, 2 liquid hand soaps)
  • Hammock
  • Safety Net Installed
  • Outboard
  • Crew Change (In case of mandatory formalities -contract termination- due to crew change, available only in our charter bases, includes paperwork & formalities, water tank top-up. Yacht cleaning & laundry not included.)
  • Stand Up Paddle
Riepilogo offerta
Sun Odyssey 37.1 1996 - Calma - Port of LefkasJeanneau
Patente nautica necessaria
Ti occorre lo Skipper?
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Port of Lefkas

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
Scarica la scheda tecnica
Contattaci al telefono
 +39 0639915372
Pianifica la tua vacanza con i nostri consigli, gratuitamente.

Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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