Tipologia: Catamarano
Anno: 2022
Lunghezza: 15.24 m.
Persone: 13
Cabine: 6
WC / Docce: 4
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
electric torchBansigotool kitengine oil boat instructionsAttrezzatura per lo snorkelingengine partsgenoasquare top mail sailCode-0 riggingStand Up PaddleStand Up Paddle € 60,00/weekend - € 110,00/weekparking inside Marina di Nettuno € 17,00/dayTowel Pack (face towel, body towel) € 30,00/double set - € 15,00/single setextra set bed and linen € 15,00/doubleSalpa ancora elettricoDoccetta esternaSprayhoodLazy BagLazy jackcockpit in teakglazed sliding doorelectric winchesflybridge speakershydraulic tender-lift with remote controlelectric bow thrusterflybridge cushionscamrecorder under the flybowspritFrigoriferoMacchina del ghiacciocockpit table in teaksliding bench in the cockpitcomposite bimini with windscreen + bimini closurechain counter in wheelhouseexternal speakersCuscini in pozzettoPasserellapilot book chartwork setBinocoloBussolanavigational charts Kit pronto soccorsolife buoy with floating line and light buoyZattera di salvataggioGiubbotti di salvataggiolight buoysmoke buoyEstintoredeviation tablesclock and barometerrocketsRiflettore radarEcoscandaglioRadarSolcometroStazione VentoPilota automaticoweather stationplotter GPSinternal and external VHFGPS (2)AISjoystick for autopilot on chart tableeco with ahead view (SONAR)wireless VHFmicrowave ovenelectric WCUSB ports and outlets in all the cabinsair fansdishwasherwatermakerFrigoriferointernal speakersUSB ports in all the cabins and lounge areainternal speakers in lounge areaheating and air conditioning in each cabinadditional fridge 130Ladditional freezerdrapes in the cabinsgenerator 11 KW