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Hanse 508 2019 - Aktea - Olympic Marina

Olympic Marina
dal 08/03/2025 al 15/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 2019
Lunghezza: 15.55 m.
Persone: 12
Cabine: 6
WC / Docce: 4
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
BiminiDoccetta esternaTavolo in pozzettoRadio VHFPannelli solariElica di pruaBow sundeckAncora di rispettoPilota automaticoGPSPozzetto in teakBatterieGalley fully equippedFuoribordoBow sunbedsEcoscandaglioPresa 220VElectric windlass Fridge Attrezzatura per lo snorkelingRetractable Swimming Platform Aria condizionataPower generatorSofas in cockpit that transform into sunbedsNespresso machineSprayhoodSelf-tacking jibTenderUnder water led lightsWooden / Inox gangwayCabin fansPlotter in cockpitHellmann’s backrestConvertible saloon tableWC elettriciWinch elettricoWatermakerShades for the hatchesSwimming platformDeck sunbedsCuscini in pozzettoSUPMain sail full battened 2023
Extra obbligatori
  • SUP free of charge
  • Welcome pack over 46 feet
Extra opzionali
  • Skipper + food
  • BBQ Gas Operated
  • Transfer from/to the airport El. Venizelos / Lavrion port up to 8 pax (two ways)
  • Early boarding (Possible upon request at 14.00 hrs)
  • Transfer from/to Athens centre / Lavrion port up to 3 pax (one way)
  • Transfer from/to the airport El. Venizelos / Lavrion port 8-14 pax (Two ways)
  • Transfer from/to Athens centre / Lavrion port 8-14 pax (one way)
  • Transfer from/to Athens centre / Lavrion port up to 3 pax (two ways)
  • Hostess + food (crew inquires its own cabin+ WC
  • SUP
  • Transfer from/to Athens centre / Lavrion port up to 7 pax (one way)
  • Damage Waiver 50-55 feet (Plus 600 Euro Refundable)
  • Transfer from/to Athens centre / Lavrion port up to 7 pax (two ways)
  • Transfer from/to the airport El. Venizelos / Lavrion port up to 3 pax (One way)
  • Transfer from/to the airport El. Venizelos / Lavrion port up to 3 pax (Two ways)
  • Transfer from/to the airport El. Venizelos / Lavrion port up to 7 pax (one way)
  • Pet on board
  • Nespresso coffee machine
  • Wi Fi router (unlimited)
  • Sunday Check-in
  • 2nd Floating Line (50m)
  • Inverter
  • Damage Waiver skippered
  • Safety net (installed)
  • Outboard engine
  • Beach Τowels
  • Transfer from/to Athens centre / Lavrion port 8-14 pax (two ways)
  • Automatic life jackets
  • Transfer from/to the airport El. Venizelos / Lavrion port 8-14 pax (One way)
  • Extra set of linen
  • Check out else day than Friday
  • Crew Changes
Riepilogo offerta
Hanse 508 2019 - Aktea - Olympic MarinaHanse Yachts
Patente nautica necessaria
Ti occorre lo Skipper?
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Olympic Marina

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
Scarica la scheda tecnica
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 +39 0639915372
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Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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