Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 2015
Lunghezza: 10.99 m.
Persone: 8
Cabine: 3
WC / Docce: 1
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
Pilota automaticoGPS/Plotter in cockpitWC elettricoLarge U-shaped sofa convers into double berthFans in all cabinsWine cellar below the floorboardsCockpit cold- and hot water showerCuscini in pozzettoBiminiSprayhoodTeak floor and seating in cockpitFornello con fornoDouble-sized fridge in pantry (top- and frontloading) with freezer compartimentInverterPannelli solariTenderDouble steering wheel systemRanda avvolgibileSelf Tacking Jib