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Finnmaster T9 ST 2023 - Alba - SCT Marina Trogir

SCT Marina Trogir
dal 22/03/2025 al 29/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a motore
Anno: 2023
Lunghezza: 9.04 m.
Persone: 4
Cabine: 2
WC / Docce: 1
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
Pilota automaticoBinocoloBussolaHarbour handbooksCarte nauticheLed docking lightsYamaha electrical steering with tiltGarmin 8416xsv 16” + thru-hull transducerGarmin GRID20, remote input device for plotterGarmin VHF 315 i with GPSTwin engines YAMAHA F300 NSB 2Yamaha 5” LAN -displayYamaha joystick steering + autopilot12V output220V plugsAria condizionataBatterieCaricabatterieElica di pruaElectric trim tabsEngines with joystickJoystick truster control ToolboxWindscreen wiper2 electric bilge pumps3 x USB outputAnchor windlass bow, Maxwell, incl remote controlGarminGlove lockerHot water system, 22 litresInternal fuel tank, 417 litresPressure water 95 litresShore powerWaste holding tank 60 litresZipwake trim tabsCabin carpetCabin curtainsForward deck hatchLarge hull portlightsSea water toilet with electric flushVenetian blinds in bathroomBeddingTowel setMooring place in SCT Marina TrogirCushion over cockpit tableScaletta per il bagnoElectric Cockpit tableParabordiPasserellaBluetoothDometic fridge 70 litresElectric roofGalley & sink4 folding cleatsCanopyCockpit table & 4 cup holdersDrawer fridge 30 litresLED lights in cockpit (4)Powered soft top over the cockpitSundeck in foredeck & coverTransom showerWallas 800D ceramic stovePowered table pedestalSynteak decking on cockpit (inc’s foredeck, swim platform and steps) Cushions - Silvertex CarbonUnlimited WiFiFusion Player MR-RA210 & loudspeakers8 x cup holdersGiubbotti di salvataggioDrag lineKit di primo soccorsoShots of distressEstintoreRiflettore radarHandhold searchlightStainless steel handrails
Extra obbligatori
  • Tourist tax per a person
  • Transit log
Extra opzionali
  • LAMPUGA AIR (electric jet surfboard)
  • Beach towel
  • Sunday check-out
  • Early check-in (from 13:00h)
  • Extra towel set (bath & hand towel)
  • Skipper instructor
  • Skipper
  • Sunday check-in
Riepilogo offerta
Finnmaster T9 ST 2023 - Alba - SCT Marina TrogirFinnmaster
Patente nautica necessaria
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SCT Marina Trogir

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
Scarica la scheda tecnica
Contattaci al telefono
 +39 0639915372
Pianifica la tua vacanza con i nostri consigli, gratuitamente.

Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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