Tipologia: Catamarano
Anno: 2023
Lunghezza: 13.97 m.
Persone: 12
Cabine: 4
WC / Docce: 4
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
electric torchBansigotool kitengine oil boat instructionsengine partsthree-bladed collapsible propeller (2)square top mail sailCode-0Genoa avvolgibileStand Up Paddle € 60,00/weekend - € 110,00/weekparking inside Marina di Nettuno € 17,00/dayTowel Pack (face towel, body towel) € 30,00/double set - € 15,00/single setextra set bed and linen € 15,00/doublebowsprit 1,5 mtDoccetta esternaTavolo in pozzettoTenderLazy Bagcockpit in teakWinch elettricoFrigoriferocomposite cockpit table extensiondavits for the dinghybimini on wheelhousessides around aft cockpit with windows Cuscini in pozzettodouble seat right and left side on the wheelhousespeakers in the cockpitintensity regulator for cockpit lightningUSB outlet on the wheelhouse stationremote control of the windlass to the steering gear with chain countercarbon folding gangway USB outlets in the wheelhouseroof access ladderpilot book chartwork setBinocolonavigational charts Kit pronto soccorsolife buoy with floating line and light buoyZattera di salvataggioGiubbotti di salvataggiolight buoysmoke buoyEstintoredeviation tablesclock and barometerrocketsRiflettore radarexternal plotter GPSSolcometroecoStazione VentoPilota automaticoVHFweather stationcrockeryradio stereoconvertible dinetteCuscini e copertesea water pumpflyscreen and blindsspeakers in dinetteUSB ports and outlets in all the cabinsdesalinatorfans in dinette and guest cabinsoutlets 230Vremote control windlass to the wheelhouse with chain counterFusion Sound stereo12V/230V inverterfridge (2)sea water electric WC