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Dufour 56 Exclusive 2018 - BAZILIO - Marina Kremik

Marina Kremik
dal 15/03/2025 al 22/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 2018
Lunghezza: 17.15 m.
Persone: 12
Cabine: 6
WC / Docce: 3
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
RadarVHFAIS transceiverPilota automaticoGPS ChartplotterInox fridge integrated in the cockpit tableForno a microondeDishwashing machineMacchina del ghiaccioMoabi classical interiorLeather saloon Refrigerator and freezerEspresso machineWiFi router on boardSerbatoio acquaInverterBlue HullAnchor ULTRA-stainless steel-chain counterLED lightsFUSION/BOSE Sound systemAria condizionataRiscaldamentoFridge unit in cockpit tableBarbecue on sternElectric bathing platform with wireless remote controlUnderwater lightsPonte in teakPozzetto in teakTeak roofGas grill on sternElectric winchesSprayhoodBiminiRaymarine navigation multifunctional displaysHydraulic backstay tensionerAutomatic shower pumpHydraulic gangwaySundeck cushionsUltra Marine AnchorElica di pruaGeneratoreConverter 12/220 VPlancetta Specchio di PoppaWC elettriciRanda steccataSelf tacking jibLazy Bag
Extra obbligatori
  • Coffee pack (50 capsules free for passengers)
  • Bed linen and 4 total towels/ per person (beach towels included)
  • Tourist tax (per pax/day)
  • Dinghy/outboard engine (6 HP)
  • WiFi pack 50 GB (free on board)
  • Transit log
  • Cosmetic set
Extra opzionali
  • Early check in (12:30 - 13:30)
  • Hostess (food not included)
  • RIB Highfield 3,3 m sport (Honda 30 HP)
  • Extra bed linen and towels
  • Kayak for 1 person
  • Gennaker
  • RIB 5.6m (HIGHFIELD) + 100HP engine
  • Skipper over 50 ft (food not included)
  • Cook (food not included)
  • Kayak for 2
  • Standing Paddle board
  • One way - Monohulls 52-56-63 ft +port fees
  • RIB 4.6m (HIGHFIELD) + 50HP engine
  • Safety net
  • Pet fee
  • RIB 5.6m (HIGHFIELD) + 115HP engine
  • Genoa (56ft)
Riepilogo offerta
Dufour 56 Exclusive 2018 - BAZILIO - Marina KremikDufour Yachts
Patente nautica necessaria
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Marina Kremik

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
Scarica la scheda tecnica
Contattaci al telefono
 +39 0639915372
Pianifica la tua vacanza con i nostri consigli, gratuitamente.

Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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