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Dufour 430 2022 - Kostas - Alimos Marina

Alimos Marina
dal 15/03/2025 al 22/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 2022
Lunghezza: 13.24 m.
Persone: 8
Cabine: 4
WC / Docce: 2
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
BowthruserSalpa ancora elettricoFenders Chain markingsAnchor swivelAuxiliary anchor with chain30 -50m ropes 10 - 15m ropes Chain mCleatsExtra windlass control and chain counter in CockpitAnchor chain clawSelf-leveling bouy (anchor location)Heavy duty belts for land attachment220V Shore Power & charger cableInverterLED interior lightsLED navigation lights220V (car) sockets in cabinsUSB Sockets in Cabins12V Sockets in CabinsBattery ChargersEPIRB - Boa di emergenzaZattera di salvataggioDavits for DinghyRiflettore radarSOLAS Life jackets (adults)SOLAS Life jackets (child)Life-jackets Harness & belt (adult)GMDSS installation (VHF & AIS)Lettore CD-RadioScuba gearWater ToysAltoparlanti in pozzettoSalon speakersUSB Media playerFlippersSound System Bluetooth ConnectionAUX device connection Gas Stove OvenFreezer in fridgeGas stove burnersLavelliFridge 12VSeawater Pump and tapTeak Deck in cockpitSprayhoodBimini topTavolo in pozzettoCuscini in pozzettoSwim PlatformRetractable Swim LadderDoccetta in pozzettoCockpit atmospheric illuminationCockpit Gas operated planchaCockpit table lightCockpit sink12V plug in CockpitBimini opening for sail watchSprayhood openingTeak seats in cockpitElectric opening of swim platformRemote control of electric platformMosquito screensHot Water Tank (lt)Salon cushions in leatheretteElectric fans in Cabins & SalonAutopilot & Cockpit controlGPS plotter in CockpitSpeed, Depth, WindVHFAIS Data Displays VHF loudspeaker in CockpitPropeller Serbatoio dell'acquaFuel tankFurling main sail Genoa avvolgibile
Extra obbligatori
  • Toilet start-up ( (Shampoo, handwash liquid, 2 toilet rolls, plastic trash bags) for each toilet space.
  • 8/5 Technical support during office hours by Email, SMS, WhatsApp, Viber (Monday/Friday - 09.00 to 17.00). First 3 hours/week for free. Further time at € 50,00/hour.
  • Kitchen start-up (Wash-up liquid, Wettex, sponge, plastic garbage bags, kitchen roll, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, oven gloves, kitchen towel). One full gas bottle and one “as-is”.
  • SO 449 End cleaning fee (includes External & internal cleaning,fresh initial Linen for each cabin (Mattress cover, underside sheet, two pillows, pillowcases, 2 single sheets) -NO towels, NO blankets, NO linen for table conversion to double bed]
Extra opzionali
  • Sup Board
  • Extra linen for one DOUBLE bed cabin (One Double Underside sheet, two pillowcases, 2 single sheets for cover) [Shrink wrapped]
  • Safety Net (40ft - 45ft)
  • Extra linen for one BUNK bed cabin (Two Single Underside sheets, two pillowcases, 2 single sheets for cover) [Shrink wrapped]
  • Check in 14:00' (earlier than 14:00' ) available if boat received with no technical issues from the previious charterer
  • Hostess
  • Check-in on Sunday ( Applies only for crews with delayed arrival-no previous embarkation)
  • Double Blanket [Shrink wrapped] per piece
  • 17/7 technical support by email, SMS, WhatsApp, Viber [technical support including out of office hours - on Sunday and every day of the week between 07.00 and 24.00]
  • 3-Towels Set per person (face, body, beach) [Shrink wrapped]
  • Outboard Engine (plus 5lt gasoline)
  • Table to bed converstion (Cusions and linens:1 double sheet,2 pillows, 2 pillow cases, 2 single sheets)
  • On-site Visit (to any place in Greece) expenses for the transportation of one technician. Any further fees (repair work or spare parts) that may be required will be charged as if provided in our base. Fee applies per visit
  • Extra gas bottle per piece
  • Skipper
  • Check in 16' (between 14:00' and 16:00' available if boat received with no issues from the previous charterer
  • Single Blanket [Shrink wrapped] per person
Riepilogo offerta
Dufour 430 2022 - Kostas - Alimos MarinaDufour Yachts
Patente nautica necessaria
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Alimos Marina

La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
Scarica la scheda tecnica
Contattaci al telefono
 +39 0639915372
Pianifica la tua vacanza con i nostri consigli, gratuitamente.

Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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