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Bavaria 46 Cruiser 2015 - Amore Bavaria 46 Cruiser - Marina Kos

dal 15/03/2025 al 22/03/2025
Tipologia: Barca a vela
Anno: 2015
Lunghezza: 14.30 m.
Persone: 4
Cabine: 4
WC / Docce: 3
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
Pilota automaticoElica di PruaTachimetroTenderSprayhoodHolding tankbDepth instrumentsFrigoriferoChart plotter in cockpitZattera di salvataggioGiubbotti di salvataggioBinocoloSegnale sonoroNavigation equipmentMapsManualeRazzi di segnalazioneKit di primo soccorsoExtra jerry cansRiflettore radarCime di ormeggioElectrical windlassShore powerElectric aluminum gangwayStazione VentoEstintoreCassetta attrezziVery spacious cockpit with large table to look upThe led lights can be dimmed in the boat in and out Sand anchors as a reserve with chain and ropeLed lightsCinture di sicurezzaInverter 12V to 220 VCoffee machine filtermilk shaker machine working with inverter Coffee maker & filter machine working with inverter two VHF the one portable.24″ led tv 12vSolar panels 300 wattsUSB socket all the cabin and the salon, Steering Wheel (2) carbon, Mosquito screen on hatches2 chartplotter in cockpitCabin and saloon fans, CD mp3 radio with Bluetooth , in site and Cockpit speakers Warm water in side and the cockpitFlippers and masks Cockpit CusionAltoparlanti in pozzettoWC elettricoFans all cabins and sallon
Extra obbligatori
  • End cleaning 46"
  • Starter pack (VAT,face towels,bath towels, sheets and pillow cases)
  • Starter pack(dish detergent,dish sponge,toilet paper,face towels,bath towels,sheets,pillow cases)
Extra opzionali
  • Railing net
  • Transfer to/from airport (on request)
  • Skipper
  • Outboard
  • Hostess
Riepilogo offerta
Bavaria 46 Cruiser 2015 - Amore Bavaria 46 Cruiser - Marina KosBavaria Yachtbau
Patente nautica necessaria
Ti occorre lo Skipper?
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La barca deve essere riportata alla base entro le 18:00 con il pieno del carburante il giorno prima dello sbarco.
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Contattaci al telefono
 +39 0639915372
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Lun-Ven: 10.00-19.00
Sab-Dom: 10.00-19.00

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