Tipologia: Catamarano
Anno: 2021
Lunghezza: 12.50 m.
Persone: 9
Cabine: 4
WC / Docce: 4
Equipaggiamento & Accessori
CompasHandbooksRadarGPSDirection, Speed, Depth gauge: Raymarine ST70Paper MapsAIS ReceiverStazione VentoDepth IndicatorH60 Wireless VHFWind & Speed & Log & Temperature SensorsAnemometrePilota automaticoChart PlotterLife Jackets and Life beltsDistress signalsEmergency TillerFirst Aid equipmentEstintoriNational and Guests flagsRiflettore radarKit di primo soccorsoLifelinesZattera di salvataggioAIS ReceiverFull equipped pantrySea water foot pumpAdditional BatteryCD/MP3 PlayerHot water for pantryBurner Stove and OvenMicrowave Oven (220 V)Insulated cooling box and refrigeratorInverterAir conditioning USB sockets in the cabinsGeneratorePannelli solariNespresso coffee machineLazy BagTeak cockpit tableElectrical toiletsGas Grill